Monday 28 April 2014

Worst Video Game Ever?

   According to some, E.T The Extraterrestrial for the Atari system was, in fact, the worst video game ever. It was rushed through production in 5 weeks, and was meant to capitalise on the whole E.T thing back in 1982. It didn't. Because they had an epic fail on their hands, thousands of game cartridges were buried in a landfill in the desert in New Mexico, where I'm sure officials hoped they would remain.
   They were dug up this weekend from a concrete covered dump site as documentary crews rolled on the event. Why was the game so bad? Well, apparently there was a major flaw that saw E.T fall into traps that were nearly inescapable. To the point the game was almost unplayable. It's been said this game was a major reason Atari went under.
   How badly will people want one, even if only to say they've got the worst video game ever? hundreds. and if the cartridges are in good shape, I can see then fetching astounding prices when they come up for sale. At least to people who have an old Atari system.
   What might be interesting is for the developers to re-visit the game, fix only the fatal bug and re-issue it on modern platforms or as a computer game. I'm thinking more than a few people would like to play the "worst video game ever".


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