Wednesday 30 April 2014

A Shortage Of What???

   Limes. Yes, limes. It seems spiking up your margarita or mojito is going to get more expensive due to a shortage of limes. In fact, the squeeze is already on price-wise, with a case that once cost 15 bucks now going for 130.
   So what's behind what some are calling the Great Lime Crisis of 2014 anyway? Weather, for one. We all know it was a brutal winter across North America, and that's impacted the crop. Citrus disease is another cause, and even gang problems in Mexico. It may sound a little funny to think mob problems are behind the shortage of the little green fruit, but Mexico is where the majority of the lime crop is grown.
   Somehow, I don't think grapefruit would be a suitable substitution for the humble lime in a margarita, mojito or after a shot.


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