Friday 11 April 2014

A Political Passing

   Even though he was never Prime Minister, he was arguably the most powerful man in Canada. Jim Flaherty had been the country's finance minister in the Harper government since there was a Harper government. That was back in 2006. Mr Flaherty died yesterday after suffering a massive heart attack at his Ottawa condo. He was 64, and had resigned as finance minister just last month.
   Tributes have started pouring in, and included former Liberal finance minister, and the man Flaherty replaced after the 2006  election, Regina M.P Ralph Goodale. Even though politically they may have been polar opposites, both men were in charge of the country's finances. A daunting task to say the least. Goodale says Flaherty used humour very effectively to bring people together
   Whether or not you agreed with his politics or policies, you still have to respect the man for even running for public office, let alone becoming, as I alluded to earlier, as being arguably the most powerful man in Canada. For those accomplishments he at least deserves respect.
   Jim Flaherty was 64.

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