Wednesday 23 April 2014

A Saucy Wednesday

   I like my job. I like where I work, I like the people I work with. What other occupation (aside from the food industry) would we be allowed--nay, encouraged--to eat at work? What other job would also encourage you to get creative in the kitchen? Tonya Cherry and I were asked to come up with a bar-be-cue sauce for a Ducks Unlimited spring banquet. While we were asked to jointly submit something, we chose to "go our own way" and come up entries.
   I came up with a "garlic ranch" creation, while Tonya created "smoky sweet hickory heat". Since there could be only one sauce chosen to represent GX94, we held a blind taste test this morning. Tonya's sauce won! That means it goes head to head with an entry from our sister station Fox FM, and a representative from CTV.
   The best part of the whole thing was Tonya brought in chicken nuggets for us to use to taste the sauces. What a great way to start the morning!


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