Tuesday 8 April 2014

A New Fad?

   I'll be honest. I've never liked the look of the Smart car. They always look like a semi ran into the back of a normal car, compacting it even further. Either that, or the driver couldn't afford a whole car. Then there's the issue of stability, which will bring me to the point of this.
   These things look like it wouldn't take much to tip them over. And in San Francisco, that's exactly what's been happening.
   It's not that drivers have had them tip while negotiating one of San Fran's famed hills. In fact, it's been people tipping them over.
   4 were damaged in what might be an urban version of "cow tipping", leaving their drivers with repair bills.
   Years ago, I heard a comedian (I can't remember who it was) say "if it's a Smart car, why do people look so dumb driving them?"
   I don't know about that. To me, they almost look like a truncated computer mouse on wheels. You've probably already figured out I'll never buy one.
   On the other end of the scale, Justin Bieber has been given a brand new one of these:
   A 2 million dollar Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. These cars are capable of speeds in excess of 255 miles an hour, and boast a 16 cylinder engine with 4 turbo chargers and 10 radiators. They also produce 1001 horsepower.
   Given Beiber's history with fast cars, I wonder how long it's going to take him to get a huge speeding ticket. Hopefully, he won't crash a masterpiece of automotive engineering.
 And for the record: No. I don't want a Veyron. Just give me the cash instead.


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