Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy 50th Anniversary!

   It was 50 years ago today, automotive history was made with the introduction of the 1964 and a half Ford Mustang. And what a game changer it was! The first "pony car", which spawned the whole muscle car revolution a few years later. And it cost less than 24 hundred bucks! Admittedly, that was quite a bit of coin back then, but still good value for money.
   By today's standards, the first generation Mustang really didn't amount to much. It had an in-line 6 cylinder engine with a single barrel carb. The 170 cubic inch (2.8 litre) engine delivered a nowadays paltry 105 horsepower. My little Mitsubishi generates 148 horses from a 2 litre 4 cylinder motor.
   But in April, 1964, it was revolutionary. I don't think we saw the first one in Calgary until late that year or in '65, but they sure caused a stir back then. I remember bugging Dad, trying to convince him to get one for the family, which (of course) he never did.
   And despite the appeal and selling power of the Mustang, I've never owned one. I did have a '67 Mercury Cougar which had been heavily modified and tuned into a muscle car. But never a Mustang. If someone does want to drop the keys off for a new Shelby Cobra 500 with the Roush supercharger pack, I'd gladly take it. But I've got a feeling my chances of getting one dropped off are about as good as bugging my dad for a '65 'Stang almost 50 years ago.


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