Wednesday 30 April 2014

A Shortage Of What???

   Limes. Yes, limes. It seems spiking up your margarita or mojito is going to get more expensive due to a shortage of limes. In fact, the squeeze is already on price-wise, with a case that once cost 15 bucks now going for 130.
   So what's behind what some are calling the Great Lime Crisis of 2014 anyway? Weather, for one. We all know it was a brutal winter across North America, and that's impacted the crop. Citrus disease is another cause, and even gang problems in Mexico. It may sound a little funny to think mob problems are behind the shortage of the little green fruit, but Mexico is where the majority of the lime crop is grown.
   Somehow, I don't think grapefruit would be a suitable substitution for the humble lime in a margarita, mojito or after a shot.


Monday 28 April 2014

Worst Video Game Ever?

   According to some, E.T The Extraterrestrial for the Atari system was, in fact, the worst video game ever. It was rushed through production in 5 weeks, and was meant to capitalise on the whole E.T thing back in 1982. It didn't. Because they had an epic fail on their hands, thousands of game cartridges were buried in a landfill in the desert in New Mexico, where I'm sure officials hoped they would remain.
   They were dug up this weekend from a concrete covered dump site as documentary crews rolled on the event. Why was the game so bad? Well, apparently there was a major flaw that saw E.T fall into traps that were nearly inescapable. To the point the game was almost unplayable. It's been said this game was a major reason Atari went under.
   How badly will people want one, even if only to say they've got the worst video game ever? hundreds. and if the cartridges are in good shape, I can see then fetching astounding prices when they come up for sale. At least to people who have an old Atari system.
   What might be interesting is for the developers to re-visit the game, fix only the fatal bug and re-issue it on modern platforms or as a computer game. I'm thinking more than a few people would like to play the "worst video game ever".


Thursday 24 April 2014

Zeppelin Rules!

   The Gods of Rock are re-issuing ALL 9 of their studio albums over the next little while, starting June 3 with the first 3. These will not only be digitally remastered, but also include previously unheard recordings and alternate versions of songs.
   The first issue will be in a boxed set (which I will be getting), and there will be vinyl as well for audio purists.
   And there will be plenty of bonus audio galore, including a concert from 1969, alternate mixes of previously released material (including Whole Lotta Love), and unreleased music and studio outtakes.
   I guess I'm going to have to buy a new stereo for this one!


Wednesday 23 April 2014

A Saucy Wednesday

   I like my job. I like where I work, I like the people I work with. What other occupation (aside from the food industry) would we be allowed--nay, encouraged--to eat at work? What other job would also encourage you to get creative in the kitchen? Tonya Cherry and I were asked to come up with a bar-be-cue sauce for a Ducks Unlimited spring banquet. While we were asked to jointly submit something, we chose to "go our own way" and come up entries.
   I came up with a "garlic ranch" creation, while Tonya created "smoky sweet hickory heat". Since there could be only one sauce chosen to represent GX94, we held a blind taste test this morning. Tonya's sauce won! That means it goes head to head with an entry from our sister station Fox FM, and a representative from CTV.
   The best part of the whole thing was Tonya brought in chicken nuggets for us to use to taste the sauces. What a great way to start the morning!


Tuesday 22 April 2014

A Change At Man U

   It had to happen. Mighty Manchester United and their manager have parted ways, just a year or so after the legendary Alex Ferguson retired. David Moyes left the team, just before he was rumored to be fired.
   The 20 time league champions are now languishing in 7th spot in the Premiership. In the teams history, they've also won 11 FA Cups, 20 Community Shields, 4 League Cups, 3 European Cups and one each of UEFA Super Cup, Intercontinental Cup and FIFA Club World Cup. During his 26 year tenure, Ferguson won 28 major honors and 38 in total.
   In defense of Moyes (at least to some extent), it can't have been easy stepping into those shoes, with the expectation that the club would once again top the table. But it hasn't happened, and Moyes has become a scapegoat.
   Fan favorite Ryan Giggs, who played with the Red Devils for years, has been tapped to step in in the interim.
   I've been a supporter of Man U for decades, starting when CBC used to show the "Match of the Week" Saturday afternoons, and I'm proud to say I'm still a supporter, even with the club in the middle of the pack.
   I'm also sure the Devils will once again return to the top (or near to the top) of the Premier League table within a year or 2.


Saturday 19 April 2014

Who Would Win?

   I knew it. Upwards of 20 cm of snow fell in our region last night, thanks to yet another "Alberta Clipper" that rolled through. It meant I had to bring out the heavy winter boots (not that I was fool enough to store them away) hopefully for the final time.
   It can, and ususally does, happen that at least one day of the Easter weekend we're in now brings lousy weather. But 20 cm of snow?!?
   That brings me to the picture above. Since Mother Nature can't seem to decide if it's going to be spring or winter, maybe Santa and the Easter Bunny should "duke it out" in the ring. In fact, it might make for an interesting pay per view.
   As to who would win.....well, Santa has weight and experience behind him, while the Easter Bunny has speed.
   Whoever would win, I have a simple request: Please leave warmer temperatures under my Easter Tree. I've decorated it with egg shaped ornaments, and left my Christmas Basket ready as well.


Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy 50th Anniversary!

   It was 50 years ago today, automotive history was made with the introduction of the 1964 and a half Ford Mustang. And what a game changer it was! The first "pony car", which spawned the whole muscle car revolution a few years later. And it cost less than 24 hundred bucks! Admittedly, that was quite a bit of coin back then, but still good value for money.
   By today's standards, the first generation Mustang really didn't amount to much. It had an in-line 6 cylinder engine with a single barrel carb. The 170 cubic inch (2.8 litre) engine delivered a nowadays paltry 105 horsepower. My little Mitsubishi generates 148 horses from a 2 litre 4 cylinder motor.
   But in April, 1964, it was revolutionary. I don't think we saw the first one in Calgary until late that year or in '65, but they sure caused a stir back then. I remember bugging Dad, trying to convince him to get one for the family, which (of course) he never did.
   And despite the appeal and selling power of the Mustang, I've never owned one. I did have a '67 Mercury Cougar which had been heavily modified and tuned into a muscle car. But never a Mustang. If someone does want to drop the keys off for a new Shelby Cobra 500 with the Roush supercharger pack, I'd gladly take it. But I've got a feeling my chances of getting one dropped off are about as good as bugging my dad for a '65 'Stang almost 50 years ago.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Tragic Incident In My Old Hometown

   5 people are dead after a stabbing rampage in the normally very quiet Brentwood neighborhood in northwest Calgary, Alberta. They were students at the University of Calgary, and were at a house party on Butler crescent. That's just in behind the elementary school I went to some 50 years ago. It's also just literally a few block from my old home on Bennett crescent.
   I knew that neighborhood from 1961 when we first moved there, right up until I got married and moved out in 1983. It is, or rather was, very quiet indeed. Growing up, it was rare to hear a siren of any kind rolling down Northmount drive, although they did use Brisbois and Charleswood to access Foothills hospital.
   While we don't know yet what happened, we do know a 20 year old man is in custody. One thing I do know. That neighborhood's peace has been shattered, and it's going to take time for the sense of security to return.


Friday 11 April 2014

A Political Passing

   Even though he was never Prime Minister, he was arguably the most powerful man in Canada. Jim Flaherty had been the country's finance minister in the Harper government since there was a Harper government. That was back in 2006. Mr Flaherty died yesterday after suffering a massive heart attack at his Ottawa condo. He was 64, and had resigned as finance minister just last month.
   Tributes have started pouring in, and included former Liberal finance minister, and the man Flaherty replaced after the 2006  election, Regina M.P Ralph Goodale. Even though politically they may have been polar opposites, both men were in charge of the country's finances. A daunting task to say the least. Goodale says Flaherty used humour very effectively to bring people together
   Whether or not you agreed with his politics or policies, you still have to respect the man for even running for public office, let alone becoming, as I alluded to earlier, as being arguably the most powerful man in Canada. For those accomplishments he at least deserves respect.
   Jim Flaherty was 64.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

A New Fad?

   I'll be honest. I've never liked the look of the Smart car. They always look like a semi ran into the back of a normal car, compacting it even further. Either that, or the driver couldn't afford a whole car. Then there's the issue of stability, which will bring me to the point of this.
   These things look like it wouldn't take much to tip them over. And in San Francisco, that's exactly what's been happening.
   It's not that drivers have had them tip while negotiating one of San Fran's famed hills. In fact, it's been people tipping them over.
   4 were damaged in what might be an urban version of "cow tipping", leaving their drivers with repair bills.
   Years ago, I heard a comedian (I can't remember who it was) say "if it's a Smart car, why do people look so dumb driving them?"
   I don't know about that. To me, they almost look like a truncated computer mouse on wheels. You've probably already figured out I'll never buy one.
   On the other end of the scale, Justin Bieber has been given a brand new one of these:
   A 2 million dollar Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. These cars are capable of speeds in excess of 255 miles an hour, and boast a 16 cylinder engine with 4 turbo chargers and 10 radiators. They also produce 1001 horsepower.
   Given Beiber's history with fast cars, I wonder how long it's going to take him to get a huge speeding ticket. Hopefully, he won't crash a masterpiece of automotive engineering.
 And for the record: No. I don't want a Veyron. Just give me the cash instead.


Au Revoir, Pauline

   Quebec's sovereigntist premier Pauline Marois Parti Quebecois has gone down to defeat in the general election. And Marois herself lost her own seat as the Liberals swept into power, taking 70 seats in the legislature. The P.Q was reduced to 30, the party's worst ever electoral defeat. Marois later stepped down as party leader.
   This means there won't be another sovereignty referendum for at least the next 4 years. And to this outside spectator, it also seems to mean Quebecers have no taste for another vote on splitting from Canada.
   But it also could mean the sovereignty movement in the province itself is dying, if not already dead. Last night's loss follows on the heels of the huge defeat the separatist federal Bloc Quebecois took in the last federal election.
   That's not to say the flame of sovereignty has been extinguished in Quebec, but it does seem to me to be flickering very low right now.


Monday 7 April 2014

Hollywood Passings

   Two passings in the entertainment world this weekend. Mickey Rooney, who's career spanned 8 decades, has died at age 93.
   Rooney was married 8 times, and had 11 children. He passed away at his home.
    Also leaving us was John Pinnette at age 50. He was a fan favorite at the "Just For Laughs" comedy festival in Montreal, and was due to perform in Yorkton this fall.
   R.I.P gentlemen.

Friday 4 April 2014


   It's been slow. Very, very slow this week. Hence, the lack of posts since April Fool's Day. Really, there hasn't been an awful lot on the radar screen at all. Not that I haven't had things to talk about on the news, just a lack of anything I think is good enough to share with you.
   The search for the Malaysian Airlines jet continues. The political jostling over Russia's incursion into Crimea continues. Winter continues.
   Ah, well. Next week is already looking a bit brighter, if not warmer.
   Have a good weekend!


Tuesday 1 April 2014

Did You Get Pranked?

   It is, in fact, April 1st, or All Fools Day as it's also known. It's the day when pranks are pulled, trying to sound as realistic as possible. Our radio station had a good one this year, saying the Saskatchewan Roughriders would hold a week of training camp in Yorkton. We even spoke to the head of the Yorkton Minor Football program about it. Of course, he was in on the gag.
   I think the one of the best I've heard of was in Thunder Bay, Ontario when they said the Princess cruise ship used in the '80's sitcom "The Love Boat" was going to dock locally. Apparently, people were lining the hills overlooking the port and inner harbour, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ship. Which could never happen.
   The vessel was far too large to pass through the locks at Sault Ste Marie.
   Here's hoping you didn't get pranked to badly.