Tuesday 6 August 2019

Long Weekend Over

   It was almost a case of blink and you'll miss it when it came to the recently wrapped up "long" weekend. True, I didn't have to work for the past 3 days, which I'm grateful for. But I sure could've used more time off.
   Not that I got up to a whole lot, mind you. No trips anywhere, since I figured there's be enough idiots on the road already without me adding to the mix. Just stayed around home.
   I did try to bake more bread, but something went wrong, and it didn't rise much.(I think it may have been the yeast, since this is the 2nd failure in a row I've had). I'll try a yeast starter before my next attempt.
   Meantime, it's back at it for the next 2 weeks, until I get my final week of vacation for the year.


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