Thursday 15 August 2019

The Things You Never Notice

   I'm talking about everyday items. You know the kind of thing, you reach into a drawer in the kitchen and pull out an item it seems you've had forever. The old, sometimes unappreciated stuff we all somehow manage to collect over the years.
   Such was my case yesterday, when I opened one of our drawers and pulled out this as I was getting ready to start supper

   As you can plainly see, it's an ordinary stainless steel spoon. I bought that something like 28 or 9 years ago when we lived in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Originally, it was used to stir wort when I brewed my own beer. But it quickly became my "go to" for cooking. I have no idea how many pots full of jambalaya, spaghetti sauce, chili or gazpacho I've stirred with it.
   The bowl of the spoon isn't as round as it was when I bought it, due to the heavy use in steel pots. It's also been discoloured from what I can only guess is exposure to heat over the years.
   For the record: I have no intention of replacing it. It's old, stained and worn down, but it still works.


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