Tuesday 20 August 2019

Happy 92nd!

   Yesterday, the radio station I've had the pleasure of working at for the last 6 years celebrated an anniversary. It was 92 years ago, August 19, 1927, our transmitter was flipped "on", and we started broadcasting.
   In the ensuing years, management has kept a lot of the old items and displayed them in our lobby, including the original transmitter:

   For radio nerds, the transmitter is a Marconi, the stand-up broadcast board and cart machine are Gates, the reel-to-reel is Revox, the "portable" tape machine is EMI and the turntable is Technics. To say we've moved on a bit in the intervening years is an understatement.
   But just to show you how old I am, I remember only too well using the big reel to reel, cart deck and turntable. In fact, it wasn't until 1999 when I was in Regina we went digital and computerized in the newsroom, finally ditching the cart machine and old printer we had for copy.
   Sometimes, I actually miss the "olden days".


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