Monday 12 August 2019

Who Knew

   A small Saskatchewan town is making a big splash internationally. The place, with some 18 hundred residents, is Lumsden, about 30 km north of Regina in the beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley. A video posted on Facebook by a local company has garnered more than 13 million views so far. The company in question is Last Mountain Distillery, and the product getting all the attention is this:
(Photo courtesy Last Mountain Distillery)

   Blue Vodka. It hasn't had food colouring added, but gets the tint from something called the blue pea flower, something I admit I've never heard of. And yes, it's the colour that's stirred up interest in the libation. It seems people from other markets are showing interest in the vodka, and would like to get their hands on some of it. For now, the only places you can get it are Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba, although the company is hoping to expand the market.
   Have I tried it? No. Will I try it? No. Aside from having a beer every 2 months, I quit drinking 12 years ago, and have no plans to fall off the wagon.


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