Friday 12 July 2019

Time Flies

   It was a cold January 12th we added to our family. We adopted this cute little ball of fur, and my wife named her "Minerva"
   Flash forward 6 months, and that little ball of fur isn't so little anymore
   In fact, as you can see, she's pretty much full-grown now. "Mini", as we now call her, continues to be a ball of unbounded energy. And while she has settled down somewhat, she's still subject to deviltry. Things like shredding toilet paper (which we now keep in our bathroom cupboard), attacking, albeit mostly playfully, her older "brother" and "sister", 15 and 11 respectively.
   She has settled down a bit, and seems to understand, as far as cats can, the "no" command, which we no longer need to enforce with a spritz from a plant water sprayer.
   She does, however, get quite rambunctious in the evening, and therefore our bedroom door remains shut.Which is a shame, because our other 2 kitties like to sleep on the bed with us. All in all, she has settled in very nicely.


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