Friday 19 July 2019


   Last year (December to be exact) I blogged about having to get a hearing aid, due to serious hearing loss in my left ear. The first one I got, I was not happy with. So, after spending almost $15 hundred on it, I went back to the hearing centre I got it from. And got a nearly $1 thousand upgrade in January.
   Yesterday morning, it quit. Completely. There was no warning. It just shut down. At first, I thought it might've been the battery, since they only last 4 or 5 days. Usually, I get an audio "battery" warning when wearing it, but I didn't. I changed the battery. When I power it up, I get several tones letting me know it's on (even though I can hear the difference anyway). Not even a "beep" when I tried it again.
   The upshot of all this is I now have to make a 4-hour in total round trip to Regina to have them look at it. If it's a quick fix, I might be in their office for 15 minutes. If it's pooched, I don't know what to do.


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