Tuesday 23 July 2019

Hearing Update

   So, I trekked down to Regina yesterday to see about my hearing aid, which packed it in last week (see Disappointed). Lo and behold, the technician said she couldn't hear anything (no pun intended) when she checked it out. So, it has to go back for repairs. Luckily, it's under warranty, or I'd be hooped, since I have no idea what repairs cost, and I sure don't have another $25 hundred to throw away on a new one.
   The biggest downside in all this is it's going to take at least 2 weeks for them to send it back, get repairs done, and have it shipped back the the place I've been dealing with. So it means almost no hearing in my affected (left) ear. And it also means another 4 hour round trip to Regina after getting up at 03:30 and working my usual 8 hour day. Oh, well. It is what it is.


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