Friday 26 July 2019

This Wins The Internet This Week

   It's been the buzz on social media ever since Tuesday, when it happened. Someone much more well versed than I am in the ways of computer imaging, came up with a phony Great Seal of the President of the United States. It ended up being briefly projected behind POTUS Donald Trump at a youth event this week.
   The fake seal has double-headed eagle, lifted from the Russian coat of arms, with one set of talons holding golf clubs instead of arrows, with the other clutching cash, rather than an olive branch. And rather than the motto "E. Pluribus Unum", the fake seal's says "45 es un titere", Spanish for "45 is a puppet".
   The man who created it, a former Republican and Bush supporter, says he did it after the 2016 election. Trump's relationship with Russia has cast somewhat of a pall on his presidency, including unproven Russian collusion in the campaign.
   The person who projected the image behind Trump was fired.
   Poor taste, perhaps. But in my mind, it still wins the 'net.


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