Tuesday 30 July 2019

The Things You Find

   Okay, I admit it. I'm a clutter-bug. I was looking for something in my home office yesterday, when I came across some of the material my wife and I got when we took our trip to Norway. 9 years ago today, to be exact.

   I won't post any of the pictures I took during the trip, to save me time uploading them, and you boredom looking at them. The trip was fantastic, as far as bus tours go, and I'd do it again. Why a "package holiday"? It was the best way to see as much of the country as we could in a limited amount of time. Had we made our own arrangements, we wouldn't have seen or experienced even half of what we did. Would I go on another tour? Maybe, if we could hit a few different areas. But, we'd also like to travel elsewhere as well.
   And that's where some 'problems' creep up. First, while we'd like to visit Norway again, if we had the chance (and the finances) I think we'd move there permanently. My grandfather came from the "old country" in 1907. Second, and as mentioned, we'd like to travel more. My wife would love to see Russia, and we'd both like to see more of Europe, if we had the chance (and the finances). And finally, finding the material shows the need for me to clean up and categorize my home office. Yeah, right.
   As for the item I was searching for that started the whole thing: I'm still searching.


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