Friday 7 April 2017

It's Time Again

   And we don't have a lot of it to waste. GX94 morning show host Danny Ismond and I have buried the bar-b-cue sauce hatchet. In recent years, regular viewers will know we've been embroiled in a friendly competition to see who's sauce will represent our radio station in the Ducks Unlimited "Saucy Duck" competition with other local media.
   Danny won the 1st event (I had yet to move to Yorkton), CTV won year 2, yours truly won year 3 and last year it was our sister station Fox FM.
   After last year's in house battle, Danny and I decided we'd combine are forces and create a real killer sauce for the 2017 competition. And we were thrown a bit of a curve-ball by the organizers, in that the sauce MUST include one of the beers available at a local micro-brewery. So yesterday after work, we dutifully trekked to the brewery, met the staff, and sampled a few of the brewski's they have on tap.
   In the end, we settled on one style, and the good folks at the brewery kindly provided us with a jug of the same
   I'm not saying what beer it is, and I won't let the recipe slip until after the competition has wrapped up May 5th. I will say this is a departure for both of use, since we've never used beer in a bar-b-cue sauce before. But, after much consultation, we did decide on what our entry will be. I'll be whipping up a sample (maybe 2) this weekend so we can taste test it next week to see if there's any tweaking needed.


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