Monday 10 April 2017

Back To Square One?

   This past weekend, I broke out the pots and pans and started work on our entry for the upcoming Ducks Unlimited "Saucy Duck" bar-b-cue competition, which we have to have submitted by the 28th.
   I dutifully followed the recipe I was working off. To the letter.
   And that's where the problem lies. I put the recommended amount of one ingredient in, a spicy one, and waited for everything to cool down. Even though the thermal temperature did drop, it was hotter than the blazes, spice-wise.
   So I now face the question of re-doing it all over, or submitting it, but have organizers cut the level of spiciness down to a more manageable (and cooler) level. I'll need to talk to my partner Danny for his input before making a decision, but something will need to be done. I like spicy food, but this was above my personal limit for heat.
   More when a decision is made.


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