Friday 31 March 2017

March Is Over

   It seems the 3rd month of the year has lived up to the old adage "In like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb". While the first few days of March were relatively mild, we got hammered by a blizzard before that first week was even out
   We also got a mini-blizzard 2 weeks to the day later. Since then, temperatures have moderated, and most of the snow has now gone. Apart from the giant mound on my north-facing front yard, and a few other locations around town.
   Of course, when you get the melt, and combine that with even just slightly chilled air aloft, you get fog
   Which has blanketed the region for the past 3 mornings. Still, it is getting warmer, and the days longer, so you'll not hear me complain. At least not until our lawn starts growing, and needing attention.


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