Friday 28 April 2017

It's Getting Light Earlier

   It's just nature, the change of seasons and the angle of the earth to the sun. And it happens every year at this time. But from my perspective, it really is nice to see that blue pre-dawn glow when I leave the house for work at 03:45 or so. It means spring is actually here, and the days are getting longer. It also means that in just a few weeks, I'll be seeing the sun when I head off in the morning.
   I like this time of morning. Not only for the retreating darkness, but the usual stillness at that time. And bird-song. It's nice to hear the robins starting their morning call. There are plenty of days I wish I could just soak it all in, but bills, mortgage and car payments mean I have to hustle in to get my day going.
   Of course, in 6 months I'll be seeing the same sky, although it's a harbinger of winter's approach, and no sunrise until 08:30 or later.
   I don't know if I've ever said it, but I am fortunate to live in a part of the world where light pollution isn't all that bad. I say that because I've been driving in the early evening, and have been able to see the march of dusk across the sky. If you've never seen it, there is a definite dividing line between day and night, and watching it move in is spectacular.

TTFN, and have a happy May!

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