Monday 24 April 2017


   That's the view from one of our windows this morning. Yes, that's snow on the ground. In fact, we're looking at 2 to 4 cm (1/2 to 1 inch) before the system way south of us in the States moves off. 2 to 4 cm really isn't an awful lot when you think about some of the dumps we got this past winter. But for April 24th, it is significant.
   Not surprisingly, highways in the area have icy, slippery sections, and caution was being advised this morning.
   And it's going to get much colder, with the low tonight -9 C. Again, not really that bad when you think about the -37 or lower temps we had this past winter. But for April 24th, it is significant.
   Things will gradually improve as the week progresses, with a high of 8 C Friday. Which is still cooler than the 13 C we normally get this time of year.
   I guess April is going out like a lion.


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