Monday 16 January 2017

The Curtain Is Coming Down

   After 146 years, the tents will be struck for the final time on the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in May of this year. The main reasons: Declining revenue due to falling attendance, and a growing public outcry over having animals, like elephants, perform.
   I'm not a member of PeTA, nor will I ever be. But I think it is time to bring to a close having animals perform for our edification. My hope now is that the animals with the circus are retired to a nice, quiet spot where they can live out their lives.
   Looking back, I can only think of 2 times I've ever been to the circus. Once was more than 45 years ago when I was a youngster, and my parents took me. The other was more than 20 years ago when, as a parent, I took our kids to the circus. If memory serves, they didn't like it, and we left early.
   Still, it is rather sad when a 146 year old tradition comes to an end, even though there are still a few other circuses out there.And I'm sure they'll have a 3-ring celebration to close the curtain on "The Greatest Show On Earth".


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