Thursday 12 January 2017

Go To Hell

   That's pretty much what GX94 Morning Show host Danny Ismond invited me to do yesterday, after brutally cold weather gripped the area (see post below). Things haven't improved much since, with the windchill -45 C this morning, and a daytime high of -25. So, I might just take Danny up on that.
   When he first suggested I go to hell, I naturally had a quizzical expression on my face like "did you REALLY say that to me?" Perspective time: The "Hell" Danny was talking about was in the Cayman Islands
   Which I admit would be a welcome change from the deep freeze we've been in. That turned into a conversation about the places named "Hell". There is the unincorporated township in Michigan, and one in Norway, population 1440
   The remarkable fact about the Norwegian community isn't the fact that it freezes over yearly, but one of the buildings has a very interesting sign
   Gods Expedition very roughly translates into "goods handler". But still it's an interesting juxtaposition.
   Hell, Norway is near Trondheim, which is close to the Arctic Circle. I also quipped that Trondheim was warmer that we were. Our forecast high today is, as mentioned, -25 C. Trondheim's high is +2. So, if Danny wants to send me to Hell, I'll gladly accept!



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