Friday 6 January 2017

He Did Not Care For It

   Yesterday, I blogged about the fact GX94 morning show host Danny Ismond had never tried sushi (see entry below), and I'd bring him some today. I did as promised, getting a California and Teriyaki chicken roll, with all the fixin's.
   To his credit, Danny did eat a piece of both, live on air and on our stations Facebook Live page. He managed to get them both down, and did not have to spit either one out (even though the wasabi on the Cali roll was a bit much for him, even after I told him it was a little hot). I also don't know if he liked the pickled ginger, meant as a palate cleanser, but something I eat on top of my sushi.
   I'll venture to say this: I don't think he'll be trying sushi again for a long, long time.
   But continuing with that "what have you never eaten before" theme, GX94 mid-day host Tonya Cherry says she'll try Prairie Oysters (google it yourself if you need to), and Danny will as well. I, on the other hand, will definitely not be partaking of them when, and if, we do get some. Even I have my limits.


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