Wednesday 11 January 2017

It's A Bit Brisk This Morning

   Actually, it's downright frigid. It's been below -30 C all morning, with a windchill at -46. That's cold. In fact, so cold a weather warning has gone out due to the Arctic blast combined with even a moderate breeze. It's dangerous as well, because exposed skin will freeze in just minutes when exposed to that type of cold.
   Not that we're not used to it, though. Just a few years back the windchill hit -50 C (58 below F), and I've lived in places where the overnight low, without the wind, was -45 (49 below F). Do we "get used to it". No. It's a struggle to get going in the morning, since you must make sure you're bundled up as warmly as you can get. It's tough on vehicles, even if they've been plugged in, since batteries don't charge properly, and power steering fluid has a tendency to turn into a gel, rendering it useless. Unless you have a garage or underground parking.
   I've been known to quip in the past that this is "plane" weather. Plane to Maui, plane to Cozumel, plane to Fiji. But, since I can't afford a mid-winter get-away, I'll just have to tough it out. Me, and several hundred thousand others that is.
   Keep warm!


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