Monday 2 May 2016

(Temporarily) Changing Allegiances...UPDATE

   Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to English football, I'm a Manchester United fan. I have been for more than 45 years since I started watching CBC's "match of the week" Saturdays.
   But with the Devils out of contention for the Premiership, I'm <gasp> switching allegiances, albeit temporarily. I'm now rooting for Leicester City,

   Even though they tied Man U 1-all Saturday. This is where it gets complicated. For Leicester to clinch as early as today, they need Chelsea (boo) to beat or tie Tottenham. It would cap a fairy tale season for them after a decade out of the Premiership.
   Normally, when it comes to Chelsea, or Arsenal for that matter, I cheer for the opposing squad, since those 2 London based teams are always tough competition for the Red Devils and other teams. But it would really be nice for a team that had been "lingering" in relegation for so long to take it all.


UPDATE:  Chelsea tied Tottenham 2-2 yesterday, meaning Leicester City ARE the Premier League Champions. And at 5000-1 odds, I wish I'd put a couple hundred dollars on them to winit all at the start of the season. Me, and several thousand others, that is.

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