Wednesday 18 May 2016

It's Not Very Exciting Right Now

   You can almost hear the crickets chirp in the background. It has not been the most exciting week, to say the least, hence the lack of posts. And yet, there's been a lot happening. Wildfires continue burning out of control in Alberta. Legislatures in both Saskatchewan and Manitoba got back to work after elections in both provinces. A new staff member started this week. But still.....
   I think part of it is the time of year. We're getting close to summer, which becomes nearly a "dead zone" for us when it comes to events etc. Not that stuff doesn't happen. Far from it. Just not as much as other times of the year. Just 2 quick examples: Tonight it's Supper in the Field #3 for spring, and I enjoy those. As well, a huge film festival gets rolling for the May long weekend. My wife and I have plans to head to Regina this weekend. And we're supposed to have new flooring put in to our home soon.
   So, why do I feel bored?


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