Thursday 12 May 2016

Marking A Milestone

   Yup. I'm 60 today. It means I'm eligible for my Canada Pension, among other things. And while I am marking a milestone this year, to me it's just like any other day (aside from the good wishes etc). Get up, go to work, leave work, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. That sounded a little snide and cynical, which it wasn't meant to. But I have no plans to mark the occasion. No "big dinner" out. In fact, since my wife works Thursday evenings, it'll likely be pizza tonight.
   I did manage to escape having my workspace decorated by fellow staffers, like they did to my friend and co-worker Rod McDonald when they festooned his desk with streamers, sparkles and candles.
   I've blogged before about how lucky I've been, both personally and professionally, so there's no need for the back-story on that, and I'm not going to do any navel-gazing or "what if's" when it comes to my life and career so far as I turn 60. Suffice it to say I'm simply glad to be here.
   It's been said "you're only as old as you feel", in which case there are many days I think I'm in trouble. But be that as it may, I'm blessed with (fairly) good health, a loving wife and family, a good core of friends, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. Which is more than an awful lot of people can say.
   So thanks for all the B-Day wishes! And a big thanks to my pal Danny Ismond for photoshopping the picture. Looks good!


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