Wednesday 4 May 2016

Back For Another Year

   Tonight is the 1st of our 6 annual spring "Supper in the Field" events where we pack a motorhome with staff from our radio station, sponsors and food and head to a farm somewhere in our listening area. It's really quite hard to believe this will be my 3rd spring edition. Just shows how fast time actually flies!
   And since we've had success getting "Craig in a Combine" during the fall suppers (which I hope we can do again when harvest rolls around), I'd like to get the chance to operate another piece of farm equipment if time and circumstances allow. Maybe in a seeder or air-drill? It'd be interesting to see if I can operate those. with an experienced farm-hand right by, of course.
   But that's not the main reason I look forward to these events. Not by a long shot. I go to meet with the people who produce the food we eventually eat, and get a chance to talk with them. That's why I like going on these trips. It's to meet, talk with and share a meal with the salt-of-the-earth farmers in our region.
   And if I do get the chance to operate a piece of farming equipment, it's something this "city" boy will never turn down.


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