Tuesday 5 April 2016

4 More Years

   That's what voters in Saskatchewan handed premier re-elect Brad Wall and 50 other members of the Saskatchewan Party Monday night. It's the 3rd consecutive term for Wall and party, and a 2nd consecutive overwhelming victory. The only other party picking up seats was the New Democratic Party, with 10 of the 61 up for grabs.
   Going in to last night's vote, the SaskParty had 49 seats, the NDP 9. 3 new seats were added to the legislative assembly for this election. It's a reaffirmation, if any was needed, about just how popular Wall is with voters. His approval rating is consistently over 60%, making him the most popular premier in Canada.
   Not that he didn't face challenges. Thanks to low oil prices, the economy isn't performing well, and Wall says there will be a deficit in the budget. He also had quite a few veteran Members of the Legislative Assembly who decided not to seek another term. Obviously, that did not impact the Green Machine.
   The defeat at the polls for the NDP was a doubly disappointing one, as their leader, Cam Broten, lost his re-election bid in his Saskatoon riding. The party had hoped to pick up 4 or 5 seats last night. They got just 1.
   Of course, there were other candidates in other parties. In fact, a record 268 people had their names on ballots across the province for the SaskParty, NDP, Liberals, Green Party, Progressive Conservatives, and Western Independence Party. 5 people ran as independent candidates.
   Win or lose, all candidates should be thanked for stepping up and running a campaign.


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