Monday 25 April 2016

Bring It

   It is that time of year again. Time for the annual Ducks Unlimited "Saucy Duck" Bar-B-Cue competition, and I'm once again facing stiff competition. GX94 mornbing man Danny Ismond and I went at it head-to-head in an in-house competition to see who's sauce would represent the station at the May banquet. I won last year's in-house AND the main competition, albeit by very slim majorities, garnering the "trophy duck"
   I'm fully expecting Danny's going to be after me with all guns blazing when we hold our show-down Wednesday, and quite frankly, I'm waiting to see what he's been cooking up. I'm doing something a little different than last year, but I won't say what until the votes come in.
   But win or lose, it really doesn't matter, so long as GX94 wins the overall competition, which would make it 3 of 4 years since it's been held. That would give us a 'Duck Dynasty' to quack about.
   The winner will be revealed Wednesday!


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