Monday 18 April 2016

My Life Is Ruled By Cats

   Don't get me wrong. I love my 4-legged friends. My wife and I have been owned by several during our years together, and we can't imagine life without them. But lately, they've been getting in the way.
   When I try to wash my hands:
   When I try to sit down at my home office

   When I try to sit down on the couch

   Even when we try to go to bed

   Again, we love 'em, and wouldn't want to live without them. But a little room every now and then, huh?
   I also hear people say " why don't you just get a dog". We'd like to, but our schedules (and the fact we have a very small yard) mean we really can't, since dogs do take a little more work than cats do.


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