Monday 11 April 2016

The NDP Vote For Change

   The federal New Democratic Party has ousted leader Tom Mulcair at their weekend convention in Edmonton. There was no leadership contest, but a slim majority (52%) of delegates voted against him continuing as leader, a position he's held for just over 2 years.
   I'm not a huge political watcher, but I will say I'm not overly surprised, given the smack-down the party was dealt in last fall's election, when the party lost almost half the seats the had, and falling from official opposition to 3rd party status.
   Not having attended the convention, I'm not going to 2nd guess the reasons for his ouster, although the (supposedly) mediocre campaign the party ran was a huge factor in his defeat.
   What happens now? The NDP will hold a leadership convention in the next 24 months, and Mulcair will stay on as leader until then. So far, no one has stepped forward declaring his or her intention to seek the leadership spot.


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