Friday 23 October 2015

I'm Ready

   Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, but that's not stopping staff here at the radio station from getting dressed up next Friday.
   We're encouraged to get into the Halloween "spirit" every year by either coming to work in costume or donning it once we get to the office. There are exceptions, of course. Anyone who will be out in the public has the option of dressing 'normally'. But by and large, we all get geared up for it.
   In the past, my get-ups have been a zombie news reader
   Which was a last minute thing I just literally threw together. That was 2013, and just about 6 weeks after I started here.
   Last year, I had time to prepare. In fact, I started thinking about what I was going to do about a year in advance. I came as an Aussie
   Complete with a didgeridoo I even learned how to play (even though I can't do the circular breathing needed to play well), a 'corked' outback hat, a beer, which was non-alcoholic, "lobster on a Barbie" (I couldn't find a shrimp) and even some Halloween treats I referred to as 'bush tucker', which I handed out to staff.
   This year, I'm going in a different direction. I'm not going to say anything which might give my costume/character away, other than to say I'll be wearing one of these

   A pith helmet. Don't ask why I've got one, I don't really know myself, but it's going to be a very integral part of my costume. And music lovers can take solace in this: I will NOT be playing an instrument this year. Probably. Maybe. We'll see when all is revealed next Friday.


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