Tuesday 13 October 2015

I Voted

   Actually, both my wife and I cast ballots at an advance poll in Yorkton Thanksgiving Monday. And the polling place was a bit busier than I anticipated, given the low turnout in the last federal election in 2011.
   And we had a problem. Not with the ballot, or the people staffing the polling station we voted at. It was our voter registration cards. Our names were correct, but our address wasn't. The card gave our correct address, but instead of "way", the card said "street" (there are 2 roads with the same name in Yorkton, one 'way', the other 'street'), which caused some confusion. A quick trip to a different kiosk, and a change of address form later, and we did our civic duty.
   This isn't the first time the difference between "street" and "way" has caused problems, either. We're in a fairly new development (about 2 years old), and it wasn't until this year we even got a street sign. In fact, the road we're on apparently hasn't been mapped yet. It's certainly not on Google Map (when I use G.M to search destinations, it still comes up as "street"), and apparently not on any city map either. So, we've had "issues" like even getting a taxi, since our road isn't recognized.
   But rather than blame Elections Canada for the foul-up, I'm blaming myself. We assumed the information on our voter card was correct, and never glanced at it. Not even when we were standing in line waiting at the advance polling station. Had we done so, we would have caught the error, and done the change of information first. Not that it added much time to our wait.
   And it seems we weren't the only ones casting an early ballot. Elections Canada says for the first 3 days of advance polling, 2.4 million Canadians voted, with 767 thousand Sunday alone. Monday's numbers were not available at the time I posted this.
   Election day is next Monday, the 19th.


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