Monday 5 October 2015

An Early Winter?

   My wife and I just happened to glance out of our kitchen window at the right time this past weekend to see someone in a pick-up, hauling a snowmobile down the street. And that got us wondering if we're in for an early winter.
   Already, there's been snow in Alberta, with our old hometown Calgary getting a big dump. And while we've had a little frost here, no sign of snow. And hopefully (at least from our perspective) it's still a long, long way off.
   We know the only way to avoid winter altogether is go to the tropics. Finances dictate we'll be staying very close to home. Again.
   And a few of the weather services we have in Canada also indicate a mild winter, with average snowfall.
   But, thanks to my co-worker Danny Ismond, our fears may have been allayed. At least for now. Danny pointed out (probably 100% rightly so) that the person must have just bought the machine, or had it serviced, and was simply transporting it home.
   But it was still a bit of a shock seeing it this early in the fall!
   Ah, well. Winter's going to hit no matter how much we wish it wouldn't. and for all those who have a snowmobile, safe and happy sledding this year!


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