Thursday 29 October 2015

Been Sick

   I hate being sick. Especially when I get the flu. Colds are bad enough, but there's been a very nasty bug going 'round recently. It hit my poor wife Saturday, and kept her in bed through to Tuesday. Which is the day I started getting ill.
   Normally, I try to "tough it out", but I was feeling so ill that I had no choice but to "pull the pin" just after 8:00 Tuesday morning. The rest of that day and yesterday have been lost somewhere in some kind of fog. I really don't remember much about either day, so I  must've been sick.
   Not only was I an idiot for coming in to work Tuesday, but I also likely put my co-workers at risk of getting whatever it was I had. But in this industry, playing hurt isn't unusual. I've seen many of my fellow staffers come in with bad colds, and even the flu. Just so long as they can talk! When it hits the voice, you can't work. Such was the case with me. I started getting hoarse Tuesday morning, along with being achy, queezy etc.
   But I'm back today, and while I feel 100% better than the past couple of days, I'm still not 100%. And damn! I hate being sick.


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