Tuesday 23 June 2015

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

   Who's the most popular Premier of them all? A new survey shows Saskatchewan's Brad Wall is still the most popular provincial leader in Canada with a 61% approval rating. After being in government for 8 years now, that number is incredible, given most government's and their leaders slip in opinion polls after the so-called "honeymoon period".
   Not so Mr. Wall, although his numbers are slipping slightly. That 61% is down from 64% in March, and 7 points lower than the 68% he got in September last year. But still, he is the only Premier in Canada to poll numbers above 60%. And with an election due next Spring, I'm sure he'll be pleased with them. Coming in 2nd with a 53% rating is newly elected Alberta Premier Rachel Notley. Canada's least popular Premier is Manitoba's Greg Selinger at 22%.
   What do these numbers actually mean, since they're a quick snapshot in time of a selected number of people? In reality, not much, although I'm positive every Premier in Canada is a little envious of Mr. Wall, and would dearly love to see those numbers. Especially since Wall has consistently posted an approval rating over 60% for the past few years.
   Still, as any politician will be quick to tell you, the only polling number that matters is the one on election day. And it doesn't matter how high the numbers are going in to a campaign, either. I've seen many leaders with a statistical lead when an election is called have those numbers drop by election day, sometimes costing them the vote.
   Regardless, 61% is still a very impressive approval rating!


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