Tuesday 16 June 2015

Hockey Is Finally Over

   The Chicago Blackhawks put an exclamation point on their season, winning the Stanley Cup for the 3rd time in 6 years. The did it by beating Tampa Bay 2-0, winning the series 4 games to 2. On June 15th. Had the Lightning won last night, the deciding game 7 wouldn't have been played until Wednesday, the 17th
   And that's my problem with hockey. The season simply goes on far too long. The regular season started October 2nd. I did a quick search and found that if a woman got pregnant on the first night of the regular season, her due date would be June 25th. That means there's an exceedingly good chance she'd have given birth before the Stanley Cup was hoisted last night.
   I know hockey is big business, and generates big revenue. I know an awful lot of people really enjoy the game. I've even been known to sit down and watch on TV. But I also think, at least in Canada, there's a "tune-out" factor when the season drags on this long. Especially when there are no Canadian teams in the final.
   So, maybe it's time the league looked at doing some contraction. Pare down a few teams that aren't doing well at the gate. Maybe look at going to a 24 team league. Also, look at re-locating teams back to Canada if and when possible.
   But when a woman can go through an entire pregnancy during a season, maybe it is time to look at cutting back. Just a thought.
   Anyway, congratulations to Chicago for winning the 2015 Stanley Cup!


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