Thursday 18 June 2015

Man, It Was Cold This Morning...UPDATE

   You're reading that right. Minus 5. That was sent to our GX94 facebook page by a listener in the Preeceville area, northeast of Yorkton, this morning, Thursday June 18, 2015. And, as you can seen, with the thermometer suspended a few feet above ground, there's a good chance frost hit that area, along with another community, Pelly, in the same area.
   Farmers have already had to re-seed some of their crops after an earlier frost. By the look of things, there will be crop loss due to this.
   It was also cold in other areas, with Hudson Bay and Roblin both at a chilly plus 1 at 5:00 this morning. Yorkton was 2. I didn't see evidence of frost in the city, but I sure had heavy dew on the windshield and back window of my car this morning.
   At least we can take solace in the fact the summer solstice is coming up! Summer officially arrives in my area on Fathers Day Sunday at 10:38 AM local time. I'm sure ready for it, and after last night, a lot of people no doubt feel the same way.


*****UPDATE: I spoke with Environment Canada who say while it's possible the mercury got to -5, they can't back it up. A spokesperson told me their monitoring stations can be far apart, adding there very well could have been a pocket or 2 of air that cold in low lying areas. The lowest temperature they recorded was -.03*****

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