Friday 12 June 2015

I Don't Often Go Off On A Rant

   But this time is a little different. I live less than half a kilometer away from a set of train tracks. I know only too well they have to sound their horn to warn motorists, even at a controlled crossing, about their approach. I am also aware of, and accept the fact, that living in close proximity to the tracks, I will hear that whistle blow. I hear it every time a train goes through, even long before they get into the city. And after they pass through.
   Last night, however, pushed the boundary. It was about 8:30 or so when the engineer of a freight started sounding his horn. And it wasn't the usual signal either of 2 long blasts, one short and one more long. This guy laid on the horn for 30 seconds at just one crossing. In fact, he had it going so long that he needed to sound it again at the next crossing further down the track almost at the same time he ended the first blasts.
   As I've said, I know they have to warn people. I know I'm going to hear that sound so evocative of Canada, and especially the prairies. But to lay it on for 30 seconds around each crossing in town? Really?
   In some cities, there are noise by-laws that restrict how long and where trains are allowed to signal. I'm not calling for that here. But use a little common sense, and show a little respect for the people who's community you're going through by restricting your signal a bit. Would you like it if I parked my car under your bedroom window and blasted my horn as long?
   I didn't think so.
   Rant over.


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