Monday 29 June 2015

A Hot Weekend..UPDATE

   We did have a scorcher this weekend, relatively speaking. While not anywhere near as hot as parts of  B.C, the mercury got into the low 30's in many parts of the Yorkton area. And it's going to be another warm one today, with the high 29.
   I shouldn't complain, since we'll miss this come December and January when it's -35, but I don't like extreme heat like this. I prefer it no warmer than about 22.
   With the heat comes forest fires in many parts of the north, and the smoke from those continues drifting into the region. An air quality advisory has been issued by Environment Canada, and since I suffer from early stage COPD, it's really making life difficult. In fact, with the cloud and smoke haze this morning, I was sure we were in for a thunderstorm or 2.
   I guess there's just one thing to do when I get home. Hunker down, turn the AC up, shut the windows and cope. I remind myself that "winter is coming", and this heat all of a sudden isn't really all that bad.


***UPDATE: This picture was taken just before 8:00 AM from our office in Yorkton showing how thick the smoke was. I shudder to think how bad it is in the North.

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