Wednesday 24 June 2015

Ahh! A Beautiful Summer Morning

   That's the view I had this morning from atop our office building at 4:00 A.M. And what a glorious view it is! The sun is just on the verge of popping up over the horizon, heralding what should be another great day on the prairies.
   It's mornings like this where I'm happy to get up early and come in to the office. It's even better when my day is done at 12:00 noon, and I have the rest of the afternoon to myself! It's also another reason I'm very glad we don't do Daylight Saving Time in Saskatchewan. If we did, that picture would've had to have been taken an hour later. True, we'd get the extra hour of light in the evening, but that's wasted on me, since I have to go to bed around 9:00.
   And wonderful as the view is on June 24th, when it comes to winter, it's not as nice.
   I hope wherever you are, you have a great day!


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