Wednesday 6 May 2015

A Dynasty Falls

   The Alberta Progressive Conservative Party was swept into power in 1971, as they ended the 36 year reign of the Social Credit Party. After 44 years, the P.C Party themselves have been swept out on a tidal wave of NDP orange.
   I was a few years short of voting age when Peter Lougheed's Tories won a majority government. Back then, the NDP won 1 seat, with Grant Notley the candidate. His daughter Rachel
   Lead the party to their historic win last night. Sadly, her father wasn't there to help celebrate. He was killed in a plane crash in 1984.
   As for the P.C's, they ended up in 3rd place behind the Wildrose Party, which now forms the opposition. Tory leader Jim Prentice stepped down as leader, and as the representative in the riding he won last night, meaning a by-election will be needed.
   I don't envy what Notley will have to do in the days, weeks and months ahead as she forms the first NDP government in Alberta history. Political watchers and pundits will no doubt have their claws sharpened, and more than a few right-wing commentators will predict gloom and doom from the left-leaning party.
   But just like 1971 when the Tory earthquake hit in that province, the sun still rose in the east and set in the west. People got up and went to work August 31st that year, and the world did not come to an end. I suspect it'll be the same this time.


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