Wednesday 13 May 2015

Is It Sexual Harassment?

   I think it is. There's a very vulgar, obscene phrase being used and directed at female members of my profession, with the latest incident in Toronto when a reporter simply trying to do her job covering a soccer game had it hurled in her direction. And, from what she says, not for the first time, either. Shauna Hunt says she's endured hearing it on an almost daily basis for close to a year. To her enduring credit, she did not quit her job in disgust. In fact, she confronted the people who shouted at her.
   One of the men who used the vulgarity was identified through social media, and tracked to where he works. Or worked. His employer, Hydro One, terminated him for violating company conduct codes. As it should be.
   However, there have been calls for police to look at charging those using the obscene phrase with sexual harassment, which I think it clearly is.
   And it doesn't matter whether or not the victim is in the media or not. Harassment is harassment and should not be tolerated.
   At least that's my view.


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