Thursday 14 May 2015

Need For Speed

   O-kay, I'll admit it. I've been known, on rare occasions, to go a little above the posted speed limit. And be honest, you probably have as well. Not all the time, but rare occasions. When I'm on the highway I'll set my cruise control very close to the posted maximum.
   There were times in the past, in the days before I got cruise control, the old right foot got heavy and I'd be doing a little above the limit. But not like this guy.
   RCMP pulled a driver over on the Trans Canada near Swift Current in March going, wait for it, 204 km/h. That's a whopping 127 MILES an hour. The posted speed limit on that stretch of highway (and on most divided highways in Canada) is 110.
   And he was driving one of these:
   A Ford Mustang. He's been slapped with quite a hefty fine for going almost twice the limit. 2 thousand dollars in fact. And apparently it's not the first time he's been nabbed, either. He was busted in January going 154 km/h in a 100 zone. That cost him a license suspension, a fine of 3 hundred bucks, plus another 500 for giving the cop a false name.
   No word if his license was pulled again.


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