Tuesday 19 May 2015

Not The Best Long Weekend

   Monday was Victoria Day in Canada, but the weekend (at least in this part of the country) was more like November than mid-May.
   Friday was great, sunny and warm. Saturday started off not bad, either, with more sun and warm conditions. But by afternoon, it started clouding over, and by evening it was overcast and windy.
   Then, there was Sunday. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a howling north wind, and freezing rain, which continued into the early morning. Even later in the morning it was -1 with a windchill of -9. We even got a skiff of snow. The wind was gusting so strong, we could see the fence in our back yard start to tilt.
   The southeast corner of the province was forecast to get hit even worse, with the possibility of 10 cm of snow or more, along with the gusty wind. In parts of Manitoba, it got so bad the RCMP were warning people to stay off the road if possible. A few provincial highways were closed due to conditions.
   And what was responsible? A Colorado Low. Not that we can't get lousy weather in mid-May, mind you, we have and still do. But it was a bit of a slap in the face to have it on the first "warm weather" long weekend of the year. I just pity anyone who was out camping in a tent.
   And why was the weekend so early, anyway? Victoria's birthday is actually the 24th, which would be this coming Sunday. Why not move it back to where it should be? Our long-range forecast suggests it's going to be mush better weather-wise with sun and highs near 26.
   No matter. I hope all my Canadian viewers had a safe May long!


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