Saturday 2 August 2014

That Was Some Storm

   It was indeed! Almost an inch (22 mm to be exact) fell in parts of Yorkton, although I'm sure heavier amounts will be recorded on people's rain gauges. According to what Environment Canada had to say this morning, Roblin, Manitoba got 28 millimeters, and some pockets could have seen 30 to 40.
   And there was hail as well, anything from Loonie to Twoonie size. And gusty winds. But at least there are no reports of any tornadic activity from the region. What caused it? A cold front sweeping across the province from the northwest.
   Watching the rain fall, and turn our street into a river, I couldn't help having a deja-vu moment last night. It was the Canada Day long weekend we had up to 10 inches of rain, which caused flooding that a lot of communities and people are still recovering from, and will be for some time.
   Two long weekends in a row we've been hit with a deluge. Is Mother Nature plotting against us? I almost wonder.


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