Friday 1 August 2014

I Probably Shouldn't Put This Out There

   Danny and I have been talking about it this week during our morning chats. The SyFy network ran "Sharknado 2: The Second One" earlier this week. I don't have SyFy as part of my cable package, so I'll have to wait for it to hit Netflix.
   And even before the shark-storm calmed down, producers were already hinting at "Sharknado 3". And this is where I should stop. Because last night, my wife and I started talking about where, and how, the next movie should go. And here's the scenario we came up with. I just wish I could copyright it.
   You'll know in the first 2 movies, sharks were basically sucked into monster tornado's and dumped on L.A and New York. For the 3rd movie, which I've tentatively titled "Sharknado 3: Cold Cuts", why not set it in the heartland of the U.S. Or Canada for that matter. Just somewhere a long, long way from the ocean. And in the dead of winter, for good measure. Have the sharks picked up at sea (since there are very few land-sharks out there), and have them dumped by a Polar Vortex! We had enough of those this past winter.
   And rather than having them swim around, put them on snowmobiles. From that point on, things got a little silly, I'll admit. We both got to laughing, and figured out the shark's might need to wear toques to keep their heads warm. And we decided when they started circling their prey, have them do it outside a Tim's.
   Ridiculous, I know. But not much more than having them dumped on New York or L.A.
   As for the 4th installment of the trilogy: Why not deep space? Get William Shatner involved as Captain Kirk yet again. Call this one "Shark-Trek 4: The Voyage Home".
   If the producers of Sharknado 3 want to talk about my idea: Track me down through this blog, and we'll talk. And yes, if any of my ideas make it into the next flick, the proof of them is here, on this screen.


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