Thursday 14 August 2014

One Of My Cats Is Insane

   I swear he is. Lately (and not for the first time either), he's taken to going into the bathroom, digging his claws into he side of the tub, and ripping off the caulk:
   And if that's not enough, he then starts chewing it. My wife and I really don't know what his problem is. Is he bored? Is there something he's missing in his diet?? Is he just being a bad kitty??? In the past, he's stripped off caulk (and chewed it up) in places we've had in Regina since we got him.
   Normally, he's an easy going guy, who enjoys being petted. But he also goes through these "phases" where he eats caulk (get your minds OUT of the gutter), and sometimes "chews" his dew claws like a baby sucks it's thumb.
   We've asked the vet about it, and were told not to worry too much about it. The caulk passes through his system, and so far seems to have done no harm. And these "phases" don't last a long time either, so it's not an ongoing issue.
   One of the problems we're having with this behaviour is the fact that not only is he removing the caulk, but scratching the heck out of the paint. And we just can't seem to get the color to match exactly.


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